Gianpiero Moretti, Architect PhD. Urban Planning 

Gianpiero Moretti, Architect 

PhD. Urban Planning 


Gianpiero Moretti constantly combine creative research with the practice of architecture. This approach aims to implement innovative projects sensitive to their environment and the cultural practices that produce it.

Gianpiero Moretti graduated in architecture from the Polytechnic of Turin in 1989. After six years of practice as architect, has undertaken a Master-Degree in Architecture and in 2004 he gets a Ph.D. in Urban Planning from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Since 2003 he is Professor of architectural and urban design at the School of Architecture of the Laval University, in Canada. Between 2013 and 2017 he was Director of the same Faculty.

Since 2007 he has been a member of the CRAD (Centre de Recherche en Aménagement et Développement) and the VRM research network (Villes, Régions, Monde). Since 2015 he has been participating in the activities of the Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMRSc) as a researcher. In 2018 he became a member of the CRIB (Center for Research on Concrete Infrastructures).

Gianpiero Moretti has been Visiting Professor in various schools of architecture and town planning, including Università Roma La Sapienza (2019), the School of Architecture of Alghero (2018) and "EURMED Visiting Professor" at the School of architecture of Genoa and at the Paul Cézanne University in Aix-Marseille III in France (2010).

During his professional career, Gianpiero Moretti constantly combine creative research activities with the practice of architecture. This approach aims at a broad understanding of the built environment and the cultural practices that produce it. Through the establishment of a close link between research, teaching and practice, possibilities for synthesis open-up between the theoretical knowledge resulting from research and the conditions which determine the achievement of an innovative built environment.

In the field of research, Gianpiero Moretti was interested in the dynamics of contemporary commercial areas and in particular in the typological evolution of shopping centers. On the subject, Gianpiero Moretti has done his doctoral thesis with an international comparative study of shopping centers in United States, Canada and France. On the topic he published several papers in international scientific journals. His research was funded by the International Council of Shopping Centers Educational Foundation (ICSC).

Currently, the transdisciplinary research work initiated with engineering researchers allows Gianpiero Moretti to use his innovative creativity. Its research-creation projects aim to offer new solutions for the development of public spaces and coastal infrastructure in the context of climate change.

Alongside the academic activity and experimental research, Gianpiero Moretti, since 1990, contributed to the artistic direction of architectural and urban projects in Canada, France and Italy. Between 1996 and 2017 he worked with Anne Vallières on various architecture and urban design projects as well as on urban and territorial analysis. Among the key projects, “Landscape machines House”, the “Lieu de diffusion de Victoriaville” architectural competition (Finalist), the “Îlot des Palais” architectural competition (First prize _ 2007 Canadian Architect Award of Excellence), the “TT Factory” in Italy and the “Chalet du Lac Aylmer” (Prix Marcel Parizeau 2003 of the OAQ).